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Paint tools

tour widget
Table of Contents
  1. Major tools
  2. Minor tools
  3. Major tool options
  4. Tiled item palette
  5. Item detail

Major tools

Paint (B)

Paint selected item to active floor with left mouse button(LMB). You can also drag paint by holding LMB.

Normal paint (LMB click or drag)

Strait paint (Control + LMB drag)

Force the brush move in vertical or horizontal direction.

Quick erase (Shift + LMB click or drag)

Erase selected item, which are most likely the ones you just paint.

Eraser (Shift+B)

LMB click or drag to erase specific instances. Change the eraser target type or specific item to further restrict which instances to get erased.

Select (G) (Copy paste system)

  • LMB click to paint selected instances.
  • Shift + right mouse button (RMB) drag in any mode to start select instances inside the box selection area.

Template item

Save current selected instances to template item for future use.

Fill (F)

Fill a specific area by selected items.


LMB drag to draw a box area and fill selected block or floor items to it.


LMB click to fill a continuous area with selected block or floor items. The area is determined by tile or edge boundary.


LMB click to fill selected edge or wall items around continuous block or floor items.

Eyedropper (X)

Make you easier to switch between item to paint. Hover the instance you’ve painted, and LMB click to select it as new active item.

Toggle auto paint mode

Enter auto paint mode. Checkout Auto paint rule tutorial.

Toggle grid hints (Tab)

Toggle the visibility of bounding area box and floor grid.

Force reset instances (Alt + R)

Force reset everything, could fix unexpected bugs.

Minor tools

Edit upper / lower floor (Z/C)

Move to upper/Lower floor to edit if exist.

Rotate (Q/R)

Rotate item 90°. (Q: Counter-clock wise / R: Clock wise)

Mirror X/Y/Z (1/2/3)

Mirror item in particular axis (paint tool only)

Since the “Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Component” does not support negative scale, mirrored instance is implemented by spawning static mesh actors instead.

Auto snap (N)

Toggle auto snap mode (only when the item is set to snap to floor or wall).

  • Snap to floor
  • Snap to wall

Multi mode (M)

Allows you to bypass all placement rules. Just place the item to that position without any replacement operation.