The comprehensive list of functions provided with tiled level controller
Controlled Level
The tiled level this controller is controlling.
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Tiled Level |
Tiled Level Actor Object Reference |
Set the controlled level |
Get All Placement Guids
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Out |
Return Value |
Array of guid |
Hide All Placements
Hide Placements
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids you want to hide |
Show All Placements
Show Placements
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids you want to show |
Find Placements at Tile Position
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
Placements to search |
In |
Query Tile Position |
Int vector |
The position you want to query |
Out |
Return Value |
Array of guid |
Search Placements by Item Types
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
Placements to search |
In |
Placed Type |
Bitmask integer |
Types this placement should belong to |
In |
Structure Type |
Bitmask integer |
Types this placement should belong to |
In |
Source Type |
Bitmask integer |
Types this placement should belong to |
Out |
Found |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids meet the condition |
Out |
Rest |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids don’t meet the condition |
Search Placements by Items
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
Placements to search |
In |
Included Item Id List |
Array of guid |
Items this placement should belong to |
In |
Excluded Item Id List |
Array of guid |
Items this placement should not belong to |
Out |
Found |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids meet the condition |
Out |
Rest |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids don’t meet the condition |
Search Placements by Tile Position
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
Placements to search |
In |
Included Item Id List |
Int vector |
The tile position this placement should be greater (equal) |
In |
Excluded Item Id List |
Int vector |
The tile position this placement should be less (equal) |
Out |
Found |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids meet the condition |
Out |
Rest |
Array of guid |
Array of placement ids don’t meet the condition |
Set Placement Transform
In |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
Placement ID |
Guid |
In |
New Transform |
Transform |
The new transform |
Set placements Transform
In |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
In |
New Transforms |
Array of transforms |
Batch set transforms at same time. |
Both input must have same length
Aync Tasks
Async way to update location / transform through time. Need to provide float curves
to let these functions understand how to update the value.
Move Placement
In/Exec |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
Controlled Level |
Tiled level object reference |
Target level |
In |
Placement ID |
Guid |
Target placement |
In |
Translation Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp location through time |
In |
Duration |
Float |
The time span for this task |
In |
Start Location |
Vector |
In world space |
In |
End Location |
Vector |
In world space |
Exec |
Finished |
Triggered after task finished |
Move Placements
In/Exec |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
Controlled Level |
Tiled level object reference |
Target level |
In |
Placement IDs |
Array of guid |
Target placements |
In |
Translation Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp location through time |
In |
Duration |
Float |
The time span for this task |
In |
Start Locations |
Array of vector |
In world space |
In |
End Locations |
Array of vector |
In world space |
Exec |
Finished |
Triggered after task finished |
Array inputs must have same length
Update Placement Transform
In/Exec |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
Controlled Level |
Tiled level object reference |
Target level |
In |
Placement ID |
Guid |
Target placement |
In |
Translation Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp location through time |
In |
Rotation Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp rotate through time |
In |
Scale Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp scale through time |
In |
Duration |
Float |
The time span for this task |
In |
Start Transform |
Transform |
In world space |
In |
End Transform |
Transform |
In world space |
Exec |
Finished |
Triggered after task finished |
Update Placements Transforms
In/Exec |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
Controlled Level |
Tiled level object reference |
Target level |
In |
Placement Guids |
Array of guid |
Target placements |
In |
Translation Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp location through time |
In |
Rotation Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp rotate through time |
In |
Scale Curve |
Float curve object reference |
A curve to interp scale through time |
In |
Duration |
Float |
The time span for this task |
In |
Start Transforms |
Array of transform |
In world space |
In |
End Transforms |
Array of transform |
In world space |
Exec |
Finished |
Triggered after task finished |
Array inputs must have same length
Level Info
Get Min Tile Position
Return the min tile position of controlled level.
Get Max Tile Position
Return the max tile position of controlled level.
Placement Info
Get Default Transform
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement ID |
Guid |
Target placement |
Out |
Found |
bool |
Out |
Return |
Transform |
The transform of target placement in world space |
Get Tile Position
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement ID |
Guid |
Target placement |
Out |
Found |
bool |
Out |
Return |
Int vector |
Get Tiled Level Item
In/Out |
Name |
Type |
Description |
In |
In Placement ID |
Guid |
Target placement |
Out |
Found |
bool |
Out |
Return |
Tiled level item object reference |
Tiled level item this placement spawned from |