v4.0 (2024.10.30) #
- New features
- Tiled Level Controller
- new UI
- random paint
- random rotation
- random transform
- select as template RMB to start selection, then save as template for future use
- draw fill LMB to start draw fill, draw a rect and fill selected items below
- Improvements
- multiple item set workflow is no problem now gif demo
- remove the use of instance custom data Previous, I track the placement info via inserting some data into PerInstance Custom data. Now, I just create another internal struct to track them.
- better visualize area Add a visible boundary box on each tiled level actor so that you can easily understand the boundary of each one.
- more gametime functions
- query to item info
- replace item from hit result
- Bugs fixed
- instance properties did not sync to hierarchical instanced static mesh component.
- collision preset for instance property is always block all
- default collision preset will be the same as source static mesh
- prevent delete current tiled level actor while enter edit mode.
- release button in auto paint in existing position will not trigger reset instance.
- Tiled level actor / asset is
ormark dirty
as long as enter edit mode. (even if do nothing) When an asset / actor is dirty, the engine will request you to save. - random coefficient in fill tool is not working as excepted
- undo / redo improved in painting process (However, it could be still problematic in fill tool.)
- eyedropper may not work if the collision present for that HISM is no collision.
v3.2.4 (2024.6.2) #
- fix remove item in gametime system crash issue.
- fix not empty in auto paint rule not working.
- fix auto paint preview hints are wrong in rotated case.
- fix auto paint transform adjustment preview is missing.
- Add random stream support in fill tool and auto paint generation.
- Add new operation, rotate this auto paint rule. Right click on selected auto paint rule and click on rotate CW or CCW to rotate your existing adjacency rules.
- Add update news popup.
v3.2.3 (2024.5.7) #
- Add support for UE5.4
- fix break not working
- minor bug fixes
v3.2.2 (2024.4.23) #
- fix wrong aupto paint rule met hint
- fix auto paint not reset when reopen editor
- Add fill tool support for auto paint
- and more minor bugs
v3.2.1 (2024.4.21) #
- minor bugs fixed
v3.2.0 (2024.4.16) #
New features #
- Auto paint runtime support!
- Add GameplayTag to tiled item for filtering in item set
- Add extra eraser option which just eraser any items
Feature improvements #
- Improve auto paint processing speed
- Copy, paste, and duplicate are working with auto rule group
- Eyedropper will also copy the rotation and mirrored state from target
Bug fixes #
- Can convert auto paint result to static meshes now
- Multi edit transformation on items in item set
- Blank item thumbnail become default object icon
- Fix crash due to actor-type item become nullptr during painting process
demo video: #
v3.1.0 (2023.11.22) #
Feature improvements #
- Auto paint supports all placed type now.
- change XZY mirror to duplication mode, which is more intuitive and useful.
- break the dependencies for tiled level actors on map and its assosiated tiled level item set and tiled level asset.<br/>
(When ever drag a tiled level asset, tiled item set, or auto paint rule to the map, the created tiled level actor will use a duplicated version of these source asset.)
- Expose all instance related properties to tiled item. Now, you can easily tweak collision, lighting, shadows, navigation, and etc properties for each tiled item.
- Change size of tiled level asset or tiled level actors will remove out of bound instances now.
Bugs fixing #
- Fix eraser not working in instaced tiled level actors
- Fix blueprint based tiled items will not properly duplicate when tiled level actor is duplicated.
- … and other minor fixes
v3.0.0 (2023.7.28) #
Add auto paint support
- New asset type (auto paint rule) and its specific editor
- New paint mode to apply auto paint
(in total, )
v2.2.0 (2023.2.22) #
- Improved better undo-redo steps during painting
- Improved asset preview thumbnail
- Improved: show approximate size of mesh in tiled item set editor
- Fixed AI navigation issues perfectly (both in editor and gametime)
- Fixed selection tool crashes
V2.1.2 (2022.10.16) #
- Fix crash issue when source mesh/blueprint of tiled item was deleted.
V2.1.1 (2022.10.08) #
- Fix additional position offset when initialize tiled level gametime with existing levels included.
- Fix AI navigation geometry disappeared after edit tiled levels on maps. (This issue still occurs on gametime support…)
- New: Add right click action merge and replace here, which will replace previous tiled level with a revertible static mesh actor.
V2.1.0 (2022.8.28) #
- New feature: Add template item, now you can use existing tiled level asset as template during editing.
- New: Add preview thumbnail for tiled level asset
- New: Add target item picker for Restriction item
- New: Selection mode supported multiple floors now.
- Modify: Improve the assessment of selection range for selection mode
V2.0.2 (2022.8.11) #
- Fix crashes when calling InitializeGametimeSystemFromData while preview item is active.
- Fix preview item material display error. Sometimes, it displayed “Can Not Build” while it is not the case.
- Fix wrong preview location. After rotation and change preview item, the position may go wrong.
- Modify: Remove inner faces for restriction item.
- Modify: New material for restriction item that you can show only edges of each box now.
V2.0.1 (2022.7.29) #
- fix packaging error
v2.0.0 (2022.7.23) #
New features (game time support)
- TiledLevelGametimeSystem
- Bind TiledItemSet with any customizable data table
- Add special tiled item (restriction item) for game time needs
Issues and bugs fixed
- Fix crash in fill tool when the number of tiles in X and Y axis is not equal.
- Fix crash after the source asset (blueprint or static mesh) used for tiled item is forced removed.
- Fix can not change tile size! (An error introduced in last update.)
- Fix temporally freeze PIE when start whenever instanced tiled level is on map.
- Modify: Block adding “controller” or “game mode” as tiled item. (Previously, all actors are allowed to do so, which is not reasonable enough.)
- Modify: Reduce source code duplication.
- Modify: Remove warning message: can not find xxx files.
v1.5 (2022.5.12) #
- Add new feature: **Merge** (convert tiled asset to static mesh)
- Remove reset tile size for instanced tiled level actor on map.
v1.4.1 (2022.4.19) #
- fix wrong z position for preview edges in fill mode
- fix potential crashes if fill across hidden floors
- fix potential crashes if erase across hidden floors
- update all tool behavior in hidden floors
- add hide /unhide all floors option in context menu in floor list widget
v1.4 (2022.4.12) #
- Add new **fill tool**
- fix selection extent
- UE5.0 release
V1.3 (2022.3.18) #
- Reimplement Selection mode. You can rotate selected tiled item instances.
- Fix eyedropper bugs…
- Add Linux support
V1.2 (2022.1.23) #
- Add material override for mesh-based item
- Fix Bug: When activating some other plugins will make ue4 fail to load this plugin.
- Fix Bug: Deleting item set will crash editor sometimes.
- Fix Bug: Breaking tiled level will result in wrong transformation if that tiled level is rotated or scaled.
- Fix Bug: Duplicate tiled level on map will not spawn its attached blueprints until reload the map.
- Fix Bug: Rotation of paint brush will reset when mouse leave the level viewport.
V1.1 (2022.1.10) #
- Step Size Control
- Add some missing tool tips.
- UE5.0 is supported.
V1.0 (2021.12.16) #
- First release!! Happy Happy